Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dreaming of Summer...

C'è tanto neve fuori! Lunedì era il giorno della marmotta, e Punxatawney Phil, la marmotta a Pennsylvania, ha visto la sua ombra, dunque ci saranno sei settimane più dell'inverno. Quando ho molto freddo, mi piace pensare delle poste calde. Queste sono le mie foto di Positano, una piccola città della spiaggia nel sud d'Italia, dove sono andata in vacanza l'estate scorsa..

There's so much snow outside! Monday was Groundhog's Day, and Punxatawney Phil, the groundhog from Pennsylvania, saw his shadow, so there will be six more weeks of winter. When I get very cold, I like to think of warm places. These are my photos from Positano, a small beach town in the south of Italy, where I went on vacation last summer.

Positano on the map of Italy

Sogni d'oro dell'estate - Happy dreaming of summer!



  1. Hi Livia! This is Wendy's friend Quinn. (She's sick right now.) Your pictures of Italy are so beautiful! I would love to go there someday!

  2. Hi Livia! This is the first time I've saw your blog. Those pictures are so beautiful. I want summer to come too, but here there is like 3 feet of snow! :P

    A fellow doll, blogger, and hopefully future friend,

    =) :] Avery V. :} =P

  3. Your pictures of Italy are so beautiful! They make me want to go!

