Friday, May 8, 2009

Dance Recital

Stasera è il mio recital finale per il mio corso di danza! Praticavamo per il recital per mese in classe, e io praticavo dappertutto a casa tutta questa settimana. Facciamo una danza di "Coppélia," un balletto famoso. Il personaggio di Coppélia è una bambola! E la prima ballerina di mettere in scena il ruolo di Coppélia nell'anno 1870 a Parigi era italiana. Mi piace molto la danza, ma sono un po' nervosa per il spettacolo.

Tonight is my dance class's final recital! We've been practicing for the recital for months in class, and I've been practicing all over the house this week. We're doing a dance from "Coppélia," a famous ballet. The character of Coppélia is actually a doll! And the first ballerina to play the role of Coppélia in 1870 in Paris was Italian. I really like the dance, but I'm a little nervous for the performance.

Il mio tutù è bellissimo - ha i piccoli fiori sulla gonna! Spero che io possa tenerlo, ma invece, dovrò divertirmi stasera al spettacolo.

My tutu is beautiful - it has teeny flowers on the skirt! I wish I could keep it, but I'll just have to enjoy wearing it tonight at the performance.



  1. Good luck at your recital! I think you'll do great. It looks like you've been practicing hard! I've heard of Coppélia before.
    That costume is beautiful! I love the color of it. You look great! :)


  2. Good luck at the recital, and you look great!

  3. Hey Livia!
    Don't worry! Have confidence! You will be great! That dress is such a lovely color! You look nice!

  4. I hope you can post more! Your blog is so cool!

    -Bookworm at

  5. Good luck with the recital! I love your tutu! My person has a big thing for ballet, and she rather likes Coppelia.

  6. Ohhh, Livia, your costume is so, so beautiful! I'm sure you did great at the recital since you practiced so hard. I really wish I was not so pigeon-toed so that I could be a ballet dancer and wear beautiful costumes, too.

  7. That outfit is really pretty.

